Don’t Settle for being Good – Start on Your Path to being Great Today with Motivation!

We Become What We Think!

We need to understand how powerful our thoughts are. By being trapped in a negative thought process will eventually lead you to believe you won’t ever achieve your goals. Looking at every situation you come across, be it personal or work, stop looking for the negatives but rather find the positives to focus on and then start working to improve/change the negatives. This comes down to Motivation and it is within you!

Motivation comes from Within Us

You shape your destiny by believing in yourself. Motivation is what drives you to achieve specific goals that you set for yourself and in order to remain motivated, you need to constantly develop it. At the end of a hard day, look back on it and make a list of what has made an impact on you. Now review this list and delete the negatives from it. Take the positive and think about how you felt at that point. Good? Now let’s work on being Great!

Being Great

Once you have started eliminating the negatives, start expanding the positives. When you set a goal for yourself, don’t let your mind trick you into believing it is not possible. Focus on this goal and map the path you need to take to achieve it. In other words, set out your plan. What steps do you need to take to reach the goal.

Focus on these steps and tick them off as you achieve them. Remember, set targets to them to drive you. I want to achieve (your step) by (the date) Now you have a firm target and will need to work to achieve it. Every step is leading you to becoming Great!

Yours in achieving your goals


Francois Korf

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