Is Motivation in the Workplace a One Way Street?

Is Motivation in the Workplace a One Way Street?

When we talk about motivation in the workplace, we continue to look at what the employer needs to do in order to maintain a motivated team. What about the employee? Are there things they should bring to the table to make this workplace one they enjoy being part of?

Absolutely! Motivation is not just all about the employer. It needs to be two way traffic or all your efforts may be in vain.  When discussing motivation with your staff, you want input from them. What are their expectations, how do they feel about their role. If they are not going to participate in this, you may very well end up putting systems/procedures in place that has a negative impact on their motivation.

Let’s be realistic. You cannot motivate a person! If it was that easy, we would not have any workplace issues. Unlike becoming a Knight, you can’t tap someone on the shoulder with a shiny sword and say “you are now motivated’ What you can do is create the environment in which that person wants to be and will become motivated because of it. The motivation comes from within them. Once that environment and motivation is there, you need to nurture it to ensure they stay motivated.

Where is your Return on Investment?

You have done everything to create this great environment and your employees love it. There is a positive vibe in the workplace and you start thinking “so what am I getting from this?”

That positive vibe you have is not only visible to you, but to your clients as well. They start noticing it through great service, exceptional quality and are proud that they are part of your business. Here is a definite return customer!

You spend less time trying to fix staff issues thus freeing you up to focus on your work. Not only that, the atmosphere is infectious. You also have a heightened sense of motivation and a renewed passion for what you do!

Low staff turnover. Remember that a high staff turnover reflects on the manager and/or company. Having a low staff turnover means that people enjoy being part of your team. They are not going to be lured away by your competitors. That means you don’t face costly re-hiring costs, training costs to get the new hire up to speed and, here is the bonus, you suddenly have people beating your door down trying to get a job with your company. (people are smart. when a company looks after their employees, they pick up on it quickly and want in)

Lastly. Will every person in the company be motivated?

Sadly, no. No matter what you do, you may have that individual that simply does not want to be part of it. He/she may have reasons of their own for being the way they are. You need to take a closer look at whether they are a good ‘fit’ for your business; have they got essential skills you need to have; how does it affect the rest of the team. Based on the facts, you need to make a decision!

  • Posted by pceadmin
  • On January 25, 2017
Tags: Motivation, Motivation in the Workplace, Motivation in the Workplace Training, training


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