Workplace Behaviour and Window Dressing

Workplace Behaviour and Window Dressing

Workplace Behaviour

Workplace Behaviour and Window Dressing

This is a common mistake that managers make when it comes to dealing with workplace behaviour. We all know that recognising outstanding efforts in public boosts the motivation levels but do they?

Reality is yes, as long as it is done correctly. The problem is that many managers feel they must recognise someone at every meeting and then do so for average performance. The problem here is that co-workers see this as does the person recognised. The result? The process loses all credibility with staff and it just becomes a case of window dressing.

Doing it the right way

When a person has completed the task as expected without having to exceed any expectations, a simple thank you is sufficient. This is normally a one on one conversation. The next one is where a person has gone the extra mile to bring the task in on time and you know it required some exceptional effort to make it happen. This is where these efforts gets acknowledged in front of everyone at your staff meeting. The person will then appreciate the recognition and co-workers will know it was deserved. Now you are adding value!

Is it really required?

Definitely. The fact that you recognise exceptional effort shows that you value the contribution made, but also shows you are aware of what your employees are doing for your business. This recognition adds more value to a persons self esteem that you could imagine. Just make sure it does not simply become something nobody believes in any more because you recognise any effort just for the sake of recognising someone.

Want to know more?

If you want help with workplace behaviour, contact us today for a free consultation. We can discuss your options and develop a strategy that suits your business to get your team back on track.


  • Posted by pceadmin
  • On March 23, 2017
Tags: Francois Korf, Motivation in the Workplace, Workplave Behaviour


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