The Common Denominator for Every Business

Common Denominator for Every Business

What is The Common Denominator for Every Business?

Every business has one thing in common, call it the common denominator for every business. That is attracting clients to the business, and more to the point, finding ways to turn first time clients into long term clients. You may very well provide the best product or service available on the market, but unless you attract clients, you will be out of business. That is the harsh reality. The key to your success is going to depend on this and it does not matter what kind of business you have.


Attracting Clients

In order to gain clients, you need to work on your marketing strategy. This is common knowledge and every business has their own strategy. The one thing we tend to overlook is the impact our employees will have on this ability to attract clients. Their behaviour speaks volumes about your business. It is time to focus on how engagement leads to client attraction and retention.




You run a professional business but will I see that by the presentation of your employees? Clients deal with you because they expect quality and good service. If your employee looks like he/she has just stepped out of a washing machine clothes and all, do you think this paints a professional picture? If you run a service delivery business, what do your vehicles tell the client? Are they clean and well maintained or will there be empty bottles fall out the door when someone opens it?

This may not have anything to do with the quality of work, but you are not marketing yourself as professional. That means the client will start doubting his/her decision when this is the case. If that is the presentation of the business, what will the quality be like?



The client rings your office to request your service and everything is done very professional. Then your team turns up to do the work and everything changes. This could be based on not talking to the client, rude language between employees and body language. All of these will determine the impression the client gets about the business.

Teach your employees how to talk to clients! This may surprise you, but a lot of employees are hesitant about talking to clients. Then there is the other side of it; the employees that can’t stop talking. Remember, the client is paying for a service, not to find out about a recent fishing trip your employee went on. Get them to be professional and courteous, keep the conversation to the facts and execute the work.


Retaining Clients

First and foremost, the client wants value for money. Deliver this and you are halfway there. To make sure they stay with you, focus on your employees. How motivated are they and does it show? If you have an enthusiastic team, clients will see it and it builds confidence. If your employees are happy and enthusiastic about their work, surely you will deliver results every time. This is the mindset you are creating with your clients. They feel they can trust your business and that is what you want.

The best part is that they will refer their friends to your business without hesitation. Here is your future growth platform. Is that the only benefit, clients referring friends? Most definitely not. You will have a whole team of marketers in your employees! Their actions will get people talking and they too will refer friends to support your business. You may be in for yet another surprise here; not all employees will recommend their employer to friends or family! If they do not feel motivated at work and enjoying what they do, they will more than likely tell friends and family to rather go to your competitor.



At the start we said the common denominator for every business was attracting clients. Now think about this for a while. Where does motivation in the Workplace fit in? Even though it is not true for every business, it becomes an issue as soon as you grow and employ staff. Spend the time and effort on staff engagement and watch how this improves your business.

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  • Posted by pceadmin
  • On April 21, 2017


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